Minggu, 24 November 2019


Percakapan 1
Tania : Hey, Damar! I heard you will get hitched one month from now.
Damar : Actually, That’s off-base. It will be held one week from now.
Tania : Are you joking me? So soon?
Damar : Yeah. I have been prepared for that. I have got a settled life and I have a sweetheart. All in all, what I am sitting tight for?
Tania : That’s extraordinary. How is the readiness?
Damar : It’s as of now 90 percent. Right now is an ideal opportunity to be casual before the day comes. I am setting myself up to be sound and new to face that day.
Tania : This is amazing. I’m so upbeat for you and your wife to be. May all be done well.
Damar : Thank you, Tani


Life Story of The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W

When the inhabitants of Mecca in a state of darkness and losing their grip, it was born in the midst of that society, a baby named Muhammad, who will be the role model and straighten their aqeedah and life from the error into a true way and being blessed by Allah. Muhammad was born by a mother named Aminah on 12 Early Rabi’ul in the elephant or on April 20, 571 AD. His father, Abdullah, had passed away when Muhammad was 7 months in his mother’s womb.
It already became a custom of the Arabs of Mecca that they entrusted their children and breastfed them to Badiyah women so that the baby could enjoy fresh air and could speak the language fluently. As well as Muhammad who was the nobility descendant of Quraysh, he had been commended and breastfed by Halimah As-Sa’diyah.


A.    Background
            Second Language Acquisition (SLA) refers to the study of how students learn a second language additionally to their first language . Although it is referred as Second Language Acquisition, it is the process of learning any language after the first language whether it is the second, third or fourth language. Therefore, any other language apart from the first language is called a second language  or also referred to as a target language .The Collins Dictionary defines Second Language as the language that a person learns after his or her native language and Foreign Language as a language that is used in a country other than one’s native country (2013). There are different ways to acquire second or foreign languages. It can be in a formal way as in a classroom environment or informal way such as when the learner picks up the language by being
culturally active participant of the society. This can be done by attending school in the target country, watching local television, listening to radio or/and reading newspapers in L2. By being actively involved in the learning environment, the learner is constantly in contact with the target language through normal daily routines. It is extremely important in second language acquisition to look at the learning environment and investigate if the age factor has any effect. Also, motivation is another significant factor of SLA that needs to be discussed to find out if it is related to higher language competences as Gardner and Lambert (1979) have thoroughly investigated.
B. Formulation Of The Problem
1.      What is the world of second languages?
2.      How to explain the nature of language learning?
3.      How to make differences between first language and second language?.

C.    The Purpose Of the problem
1.      To know definition and the world of second language
2.      Can explain nature and different of first language and second language


Chapter 1
What exactly is the relationship between age and language learning ? There are numerous myths and misconceptions about the relative abilities or inabilities of language learners of different ages. Do children learn language faster? Is it impossible for adults to achieve fluency ? In a word - no. These and other common beliefs are simply not true. Children do not necessarily learn faster than adults and, in fact, adults may learn more efficiently. Furthermore, there is no loss of language ability or language learning ability over time. Age is not a detriment to language learning, and by all accounts, learning a second (or third etc) language actually keeps the older language learners mind active. People of all ages can benefit from learning languages.
The greatest obstacle to older adult language learning is the doubt--in the minds of both learner and teacher--that older adults can learn a new language. Most people assume that "the younger the better" applies in language learning. However, many studies have shown that this is not true. Studies comparing the rate of second language acquisition in children and adults have shown that although children may have an advantage in achieving native-like fluency in the long run, adults actually learn languages more quickly than children in the early stages (Krashen, Long, and Scarcella, 1979). These studies indicate that attaining a working ability to communicate in a new language may actually be easier and more rapid for the adult than for the child.
B.Problem of formulation
    1.What is the age and good language learners?
C.Purpose the Paper
    The purpose of the working papers is increase in knowledge about ageand goo language learners. And to endue assignment of study english language learning strategy.

Senin, 18 November 2019

Good Teaching

1. Good teaching is as much about passion as it is about reason. It’s about motivating students not only to learn, but teaching them how to learn, and doing so in a manner that is relevant, meaningful and memorable. It’s about caring for your craft, having a passion for it and conveying that passion to everyone, but mostly importantly to your students.

Real friend

2017   Indah Titania   Prawang , 01 feb 1999   Anak ke-4 dari 5           bersaudara   Pasaman  Dia berkata jika orang nyaman dengan nya mak...