Second Language Acquisition (SLA)
refers to the study of how students learn a second language additionally to
their first language . Although it is referred as Second Language Acquisition,
it is the process of learning any language after the first language whether it
is the second, third or fourth language. Therefore, any other language apart
from the first language is called a second language or also referred to as a target language .The
Collins Dictionary defines Second Language as the language that a person learns
after his or her native language and Foreign Language as a language that is
used in a country other than one’s native country (2013). There are different
ways to acquire second or foreign languages. It can be in a formal way as in a
classroom environment or informal way such as when the learner picks up the
language by being
active participant of the society. This can be done by attending school in the
target country, watching local television, listening to radio or/and reading
newspapers in L2. By being actively involved in the learning environment, the
learner is constantly in contact with the target language through normal daily
routines. It is extremely important in second language acquisition to look at
the learning environment and investigate if the age factor has any effect.
Also, motivation is another significant factor of SLA that needs to be
discussed to find out if it is related to higher language competences as
Gardner and Lambert (1979) have thoroughly investigated.
B. Formulation Of The Problem
1. What is the world of second languages?
2. How to explain the nature of language
3. How to make differences between first
language and second language?.
The Purpose Of the problem
1. To know definition and the world of
second language
2. Can explain nature and different of
first language and second language